


The professional care and attention of our staff and crew extends well beyond the warm smiles and chilled champagne that you’re greeted with as you come aboard. Our aim is that you feel at ease and welcomed to freely delight in every minute of your journey. Explore each port of call with confidence and comfort thanks to the experience and care of our exemplary Destinations team members. A refreshed and replenished suite will await your return, with our outstanding attendants and butlers ensuring it’s just as you prefer. Dining experiences in all our speciality restaurants offer a symphonic production of exquisite flavours and impeccable service. And should you desire anything ‘off the menu’ during your travels, the concierge staff await, seeking to fulfil your every request. butlers ensuring it’s just as you prefer. Dining experiences in all our specialty restaurants offer a symphonic production of exquisite flavors and impeccable the concierge staff await, seeking to fulfill your every request.

“I believe their staff is Regent’s best asset, as they met and surpassed every standard and expectation we could have had. I could have written this entire testimonial about just them.”

— John P., Seven Seas Society® Bronze Member


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