

PUERTO RICO | A COOLING EMBRACE Our first port of call is Puerto Rico, where the emblematic coquito reigns supreme. This festive drink, often referred to as Puerto Rican Eggnog, is an intoxicating blend of coconut milk, coconut cream, sweetened condensed or powered milk and rum, with a dusting of cinnamon and nutmeg. Served chilled, it brings respite from the tropical heat. Puerto Rican rice pudding, known as arroz con dulce, stands apart from other rice puddings thanks to the use of coconut milk and the fragrant spices with which it’s infused. And if you’re looking for something even smoother, try some tembleque, an almost custard-like coconut pudding that is a pleasure on the palate. Additionally, coconut water is a favorite refreshment among locals and visitors alike.

ST. LUCIA | SIPPING PARADISE Sailing southeastward, we drop anchor in St. Lucia. Here, coconuts are as vital as the air you breathe. The most beloved concoction is the Lucian rum punch . Made with coconut water, rum, lime juice and a dash of nutmeg, it’s an opportunity to savor the island in a glass. Coconut oil is also a staple, used to fry fresh catches of fish, while coconut milk enriches the national dish, green fig and saltfish , which marries the flavors of green bananas (called “figs” on the island) and salted cod. And if you’d prefer something sweeter, stop in a local bakery for some coupe (Creole for “coconut cake”).


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